High School Talk

I've been missing high school life like crazy! I approve what people say that the most cheerful life is high school life. I feel like I learned a lot in high school, I mean not only theoretically a lot but I practically a lot and all that lesson didn't just come from mathematic, economy, geography or so but it also come from the social life that I lived there. Friends, seriously high school teach me who are friends and who are people I just know the name and say hi.
High school gave me the guts to do everything by my self and make me realize how to be an independent woman. I personally think social life in high school also lead me to recognize who I am and what is the purpose I'm living here on earth. High school gave me a lot of life lesson, and it also make me feel that I have meaning to other people, that people need me to be with them and that is just a wonderful feeling I've experienced in high school. This life phase even teach me how to be grateful and   open my eyes that there's so many people out there that is not just as lucky as I am. 
I am so grateful until now knowing how nice God is giving me such a beautiful best friends. We talk, listen, laugh, cry, all we did together. This friendship giving me a lot of love, and the only thing I want to keep this friendship until the end of our life. Not only friends I love about high school but also teacher who's not just talking about task in class but they also talk about life, how we have to open our eyes there's a lot going on out there in this world, they thought me how to see every single possibility in life and having them taking care of me in school is a tiny piece of my life that makes my life complete.
If I could stop the time, I would absolutely stop my life in high school and having the most wonderful people around me and get stuck with them in this life and feel their love every day, that would be awesome. I miss you high school.

xoxo, Rifsi
