I always love music, music have so many meaning in life. Sometimes you listen to the music, other time you listen the lyric, so many times you enjoy music being part of your day just like me. I listen to music every day, music gives me spirit, it sometime makes me really calm or sometime drives me really crazy and give me the guts to jump off the dance floor. The lyrics anyway, they reflect my story life and that's how I speak without even giving my own words. Music speaks louder than my voice, it fits my mind and my soul. Music brings me back into the past, brings back memories and makes me cherish so many moment. Somehow I love singing, throughout singing I let out all my emotions and calm my soul again. I found myself being happy again after singing a song, when music hits me I feel like I'm in another world, the world that makes me feel home. I think I sing so much everyday, the music I sang gave me so much energy shot to live my day. Trough music also I see people unite their selves, even before music hits them they have so much different world but after that they feel their selves as one. Even with this lovely country, we love our music, we enjoy our music, and we are proud of our music. Music always able to make us sing along together, share the love, and bonding with people in a very good way. In my personal life I always music become my energy, my voice, my home, my life, everything.
