Jakarta, Traffic, and Rain

I'm not even kidding, I just got home from Depok. From Depok to Jakarta with that crazy rain drives me insane!!!! We all know what will happen after rain pouring in Jakarta, yeah right traffic! How many time wasted because of this unsolved problem? How much money wasted to pay unused fuel? How many people suffer tiredness? aaannnnddd so many other question.
I mean, come on people! The only thing stuck in my brain is why is it so hard to build people awareness about what cause traffic?! It's not the government I'm talking it's about people, the real user of the street, it's about our awareness. Use public transportation, obey all the rules, and last but no least remember safety first. I can't understand why people always complain about the government but they're not doing anything to make things better, dose complaining make progress? Of course not, I personally think if we want to end this it comes from ourselves. And hey rich people out there, please respect other people you know tolerant right? I don't care how much money you have but this freakin city is not just yours so don't buy any other cars for your "collection" I'm sick of this traffic, don't you?
