This is Very Random

(Beware this post will be very random and unorganized)

Okay, here we go again. It's been months since I wrote on my blog even though I was not that busy. I guessed I don't feel there's interesting amount of things to talked about. Well, there was actually but I've been thinking that above so many things I wanted to talk sometimes I feel like there's no point of sharing my opinion even though I have a very reasonable background about that opinion. But recently I just feel like f*ck that I'm just gonna say what I want to say and I don't give a sh*t about what people think. So here go.....

First, I'm gonna start with this; you know how so many people tweeted or wrote on their status on Facebook like "omg I have insomnia tonight, I can't sleep" or like "oh god just let me sleep tonight I have so many problem today" or just as simply annoying as "insom -_-" which is not even a word and of course so annoying. Do these people understand what is it really like to suffer insomnia? People, I tell you it is not that simple. Insomnia is not just  a one or two random nights where you can't sleep, it is way more than that. You can imagine yourself not be able to sleep for weeks, yes that's what insomnia is. So please if you don't really have it just don't say that you suffer from it for some random nights just to get attention from some random people that you don't really know who. And of course yes it is social media and yes you can say whatever the hell you want to say but, please be a smart user of the social media :) respect yourself by having some dignity not mercy. And by respect I mean write what you really know about.

You know I never expect bullying could be so bad in my country, as long as I know it's not as bad as other country's bullying. Last couple weeks my cousin told me that one of her friends have been acting strange since he was bullied in 10th grade and no one even notice about it. For the longest time I experienced high school I never knew how's the suspect and the victim of the bully be treated and it didn't seem like a big deal in my school, well maybe in most of school in my city. For me it is so bad how people "don't care" about these children's life and there's no education for them to prevent such things. Back to the boy whose bullied, I notice he might suffer panic attack but in that case I don't think all the teacher understand how he needs to step aside from the class and calm himself. And his friends? Of course they no nothing and no one seems care about him. It is so sad seeing an institution like that being so blind to face a huge case inside the school. So please take care of each other, we can start from our close friend, pay attention to them give some love to each other. If they do something wrong tell them straight away. I think it's way better.

Oh by the way, I am so addicted to criminal TV series right now. Seems like I can't keep my eyes away from FOX Crime, AXN (in the morning and night), also FOX. Oh I wish TV series in Indonesia is that good. I couldn't ask for a better TV series, I mean they are soooooo good! CSI, NCIS, Law and Order, Castle, Criminal Mind, Psych, Sherlock (obviously), and all those criminal TV series they are so damn good. The stories, the plot twists, the characters, everything! It's like they really do the job in the police department. It seems so real with all the case, they put real psychological issues, social issues, health issues, a little spark of love story. I can't stop ramble about them. I love how they can "embrace" the viewer to also think about the case and yes they always caught the bad guy but how the solve the case is so good, like they really know what they're doing and nailed everything perfect. The stories seems so real that even I can imagine what I've learned in my class in reality. I understand the "real case" from the story.

Well, I think I need to blog more often because I feel like I always have something to say about anything. My opinions flow like water. Sometimes it's refreshing and so clear and some other time it's too muddy. This post is so random but I just want to write. So whatever and also I really want to go back to sound cloud so bad. We'll see
