Sad, I know... setelah berapa lama blog ini aku abaikan huhuhu padahal di dua post terakhir bilangnya mau lebih rajin nulis. Oh well.. aku emang kadang se-omdo itu and I'm sorry about that. So for the last couple of months I've been thinking about this new habit that most of us have right now. Its this habit where we constantly feel the need to check on our social media account, whats new, whats trending, whats currently viral. Sampai akhirnya rasanya kalo belum cek whats new kaya ada yang kurang, bagai sayur tanpa garam, makan ayam bakar tanpa sambel. This fear of missing out (FOMO) has somehow feed our ego and create such an alternate reality either for us or for others. I feel like its also the root of hoax and how hoax really grow fast like an endemic virus. Dari yang gue amati ada beberapa fase yang biasanya dilewati sampe ke tahan FOMO ini. Pertama, ikut trend yang akhirnya menjadi sebuah kebutuhan dimana kalo kita nggak punya akun sosial media we know nothing ...